The Alifax programme includes systems for measuring erythrocyte sedimentation and systems for determining bacteriuria and microorganisms in primary sterile fluids. Alifax represents innovation on a global scale, with virtually no competition in its field.
Becton Dickinson Vacutainer Preanalytical Systems
The BD Vacutainer range includes venous, capillary, arterial blood and urine sampling systems, molecular diagnostic systems, blood sampling systems for transplant compatibility, etc.
BD Biosciences
The programme covers clinical immunology, flow cytometry, cell cycle and death research, diagnostics of immunological diseases, cell culture, etc.
With pioneering work in flow cytometry, BD is pushing the boundaries of sensitivity and specificity in the detection of cellular molecular antigens in a single sample, enabling a variety of information to be obtained in the shortest possible time. This allows for fast and high quality patient management.
In this context, BD offers state-of-the-art flow cytometers (FACSAria, FACSCanto II, FACSymphony, FACSAria Fusion,...) and the appropriate reagents (monoclonal antibodies) for diagnostics and research.